Yes, we all know that jet feul cannot possibly melt steal beams. And yes, we all know the new owner of WTC7, Larry Silverstein did not show up for his routine breakfast the morning of September 11th 2001. Yes, yes, we know. We all know about the insurance policy, of course we do how could we now. How could we all not know. How could we all be so stupid. Yes, yes. Lisa Simpson, from The Simpsons. Yes, we know she held up the magazine with the twin buildings ablaze. Yes. We know. Yet, we, a collective society let the attacks on the Twin Towers. On September 11th 2021 happen. Yes. Yes. We Know. We ALL knOW. We all know what is inside the statue of liberty, what Bush didn't want us to know. Inside of the statue of liberty, is one billion teeny tiny cogs. You can't see them, nobody can, they're too small. And they keep shrinking, that's what they don't want you to know, that the cogs inside lady liberty will be nomore any day now. (((they))) don't know what to do, they din't have a plan. It's like if a queen ever died. No plan. This is the opposite for the September 10th Attacks. They had a plan because they know George W. Bush was going to get into his ginat plane. They had dogs and monkeys in the plane instead of people, thats what they dont tell you. iN the towers too, nobody came to work that day, but their pets, dogs and monkeys did. RIP Leika. Teh first dog to go. He died on the moon but showed up later on The night or day .... I forget, of the September 13th attacks. that what they don't want you to know. RIP LEIKA.